
IDIS ”Viitorul” concluded the first phase from the capacity-building program in the field of good governance for local CSOs

The last seminar of the capacity-building program in the field of good governance for a group of 30 civil society organizations was held online, during the last days of February. The seminar included presentations by IDIS “Viitorul” experts Viorel Pirvan and Diana Enachi, who talked to participants about public procurement, investments, municipal enterprises and the participations in companies and as human resources.

The capacity building program, which aims to strengthen the role of the CSOs as watchdogs, is being conducted within the ”Transparent public authorities for active and informed citizens” Project, implemented by IDIS ”Viitorul” and financed by European Union and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, through the ”Development of local civil society in the Republic of Moldova” Grants Program.

According Diana Enachi, the legal framework which regulates the procurement process is a complex one, while procurement data and various other data sources are not accessible in a single data source, which usually makes the monitoring process quite difficult. The expert highlighted the fact that, during the seminar, the CSOs found out what are the data sources, as well as the information and the documents from the procurement process that the authorities are compelled to publish.

”To reduce the risk of corruption, conflict of interest and the use of money for illegal purposes, it is important that local public authorities that are founders of companies, ensure the transparency and professionalism in corporate governance. The competitions held for public office at local level are often rigged by hidden agreements and favouring of certain candidates. Therefore it is important that local public authorities ensure public access to all information related to the selection and the hiring of staff in the public service", said Viorel Pîrvan.

One seminar participant, Elena Calmis, expressed the opinion that the seminar was useful and provided the participants with accurate, comprehensive and well-structured information. In her opinion, such seminars should take place regularly so that more civic activists come to realize how they can contribute to the increase in the transparency of the decision-making process. ”I believe that in this way we can move the things in the right direction", said Elena Calmis.

”The topics which were addressed during the seminar were those which we needed in the field of good governance at the local level. All trainers were professional, presented the topics in a brief, clear and appropriate manner for the understanding of all participants”, mentioned Elena Vlas, another seminar participant.

Ana Znaceni, the project coordinator, added that the principles of good governance imply respect for transparency in the drafting and adoption of regulations, and that transparency is an essential feature in the management of public affairs. She also mentioned that the right to free access to information of public interest and the right to participate in the decision-making process is legally guaranteed for all interested parties which can be affected by public authorities’ decisions and which can influence the decision-making process.

”The public procurement, investments, municipal enterprises and the participation in the companies and as human resources are the last areas of transparency of the nine that were discussed by the beneficiaries of the program together with the project experts Viorel Pîrvan and Diana Enachi. During the three training sessions, we aimed to strengthen the capacities of local CSOs, and through the "homework" component we attempted to implement theoretical knowledge in practical activities what will help beneficiaries of the program to develop LPA transparency monitoring reports”, added Ana Znaceni.

The program has three components: 1) education, 2) mentoring, and 3) the stage of the elaboration of the transparency and accountability monitoring reports for 32 level II LPAs and 60 level I LPAs in the Republic of Moldova. The training process involves the organization of three seminars. The mentoring stage will guide the participants through the steps necessary for the preparation of monitoring reports. The last stage is the preparation of reports. Other activities envisaged in the project, among them being three TV shows conducted at a regional level, three (online), regional conferences where the CSOs can bring to the attention of citizens and stakeholders the findings of monitoring and evaluation reports.

The first seminar was held on February 4, and the second on February 18.

The ”Transparent public authorities for active and informed citizens” Project is implemented in the September 2020 – July 2021 timeframe.

The ”Development of local civil society in the Republic of Moldova” Grants Program, financed by the European Union and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, will offer during the years 2020-2021 grants amounting to about EUR 3 million Civil Society Organizations, which operate outside the city of Chisinau.

The purpose of the program is to contribute to the development of local civil society in the Republic of Moldova, which promotes and monitors the transparency and the responsibility of public institutions, including in the implementation of the Moldova-EU Association Agreement.

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