Tax amnesty can help determine the ruling coalition after the parliamentary elections of 2019

Parliament has adopted three laws on fiscal-fiscal policy and capital amnesty. The package was much commented on in the Moldovan society and caused a number of concerns from development partners. "The law package was expected to be rejected by President Igor Dodon, but on the contrary he promoted the package of laws and came up with a series of pro-comments to support these laws", notes the political analyst Ion Tăbârţă in the show " 15 minutes of economic realism ".

A similar package of laws was adopted in 2007 during the Communist government, which was then said to lead you to economic stimulation and open up new jobs. Later, it was recognized that the package of laws did not have the expected effect, but on the contrary, it was not excluded that a small group of interests lay behind the package of laws. Some experts link the "laundromat" to that set of laws adopted in 2007, the beginning of which was the so-called "Reidman note" on "nomadic money" in 2005. In the document elaborated by the former economic counselor of President Voronin talks about the money that is not clear and circulating through banks. After 2009, the package of laws that made possible the "laundry" was approved for the needs and interests of the economic groups under the Moldovan politics.

"In 2014, besides the" laundromat ", the banking system was devalued by about one billion USD. This money is preserved somewhere and awaits its destination. In 2016, the Filip government managed to stabilize the country's economic situation and managed to conclude an agreement with the IMF. However, immediately after the agreement was signed in early December 2016, a package of laws similar to the one in 2007 appeared and resembles the package recently adopted by the Moldovan Parliament. At that time, the package was rejected as a result of the prompt reaction of civil society and the negative attitude of the development partners. In fact, based on several estimates, that package of laws was to transform the Republic of Moldova into a regional washroom, as well as frustrating the Krol investigation and discouraging the business environment, "says Ion Tăbârţă.

This package of laws, in connection with the law on granting citizenship for investment, in the opinion of many, reconfigures the picture by which the Republic of Moldova risks becoming a regional laundry "dirty money" and the stolen billion to be legalized in the country by the same persons who stole him. President Dodon, instead of stopping, adopted the three laws and filled the government's arguments in the public space in adopting the package of laws on fiscal-fiscal policy and capital amnesty. Generalized, the president's arguments claim that the government's actions are packed, obviously, in a pro-Western manifesto.

In conclusion, Ion Tăbârţă says the consequences of the package of laws on fiscal-fiscal policy and capital amnesty are uncertain for Moldova. For now, the adoption of the three laws has led to the deterioration of the Republic of Moldova's relations with the development partners. Normalizing these relationships will require that the package of laws be canceled, his fate is dependent on the future power configuration. A new pro-European government at the helm of the Republic of Moldova, in order to normalize its relations with development partners, will have to give up these laws.

After the elections in February 2019, a pro-European government, as it has been since 2009, seems impossible because the current pro-European opposition in the Republic of Moldova is intransigent with the governing party. Most likely, although nobody is talking about this at the moment, there is a geopolitical balance between PDM and PSRM, a center-left government. It is premature to talk about certain post-electoral scenarios, the data of the promise being much more complex than they seem "at first glance", but the package of laws can be "a cornerstone" that can help shape the future coalition of governance in the Republic of Moldova.

The show is made by IDIS "Viitorul" in partnership with Radio Free Europe.

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