IDIS "Viitorul" launches a new project: "Calling out disinformation and misinformation in the Republic of Moldova"


The Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS) "Viitorul" is implementing, between December 2024 and March 2025, the "Calling out disinformation and misinformation in the Republic of Moldova" project, funded by NATO's Public Diplomacy Division.

The overall objective of the project is to support the effort to counter the threats of disinformation and manipulation coming from the Russian Federation, targeting the Republic of Moldova.

The specific objective of the project is to increase the capacities of young people, students and opinion leaders in areas such as: critical thinking, media literacy, analysis, resistance to misinformation, and reflecting the information of public interest in an unbiased way.

It also aims to increase the resiliency of the Moldovan society in terms of critical thinking, media literacy, and resisting disinformation through an awareness and visibility action on social media, specifically tailored to call out Russian and Russian proxies’ disinformation and misinformation campaigns.

Up to 25 young people, students, representatives of civil society organizations, members of Youth Centers etc., who are over 18 years old, will be selected on a competitive basis to participate in project activities. They will participate in a practical workshop focused on identifying and countering Russian-supported and sponsored disinformation, learning to create infographics and videos aimed at countering Russian disinformation narratives, which will later be presented in three hackathons. As a practical activity, the participants of the practical workshop, also given at the 3 hackathons, will develop 18 content products, that will be shared on social media.

The most active and inspired participants will go on a study visit to NATO headquarters in Brussels.


The "Calling out disinformation and misinformation in the Republic of Moldova" project, implemented by IDIS "Viitorul", is financially supported by the NATO's Public Diplomacy Division.

IDIS Viitorul is an independent think tank established in 1993 that combines social, political and economic research with strong advocacy components. The institution conducts applied monitoring research in several areas: economics, social policy, EU policies, regional development, and security and foreign policy risks.

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