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The mayor's criminal files drown investment in localities

2018.10.05 Economie Victor Ursu Print version

The funds available to local public authorities are limited. Some of these funds are allocated from the State Budget, another comes from taxes and fees paid by taxpayers, but they are totally insufficient to finance expensive infrastructure development programs or to implement projects with a social impact. However, these investment projects are overturned because of criminal cases filed on behalf of mayors, explained IDIS Viitorul expert, Viorel Pîrvan, in the show "15 minutes of economic realism".

Due to the political struggles at the central level, the representatives of the local public administrations often find it difficult to access the financial resources destined for capital investments (capital repairs, water, sewage, thermal insulation of public buildings) from the Regional Development Fund, the Ecological Fund, the Energy Efficiency Fund, to be influenced by the political factor.

"In recent years, in the public space, it is often discussed that local elected representatives change their political affiliation in order to benefit from financial resources for the local community. However, the worst is the situation when local elected representatives are determined through criminal or contraventional files to migrate from one political party to another, "believes Viorel Pîrvan.

According to a study conducted by IDIS Viitorul with CALM quoted by Viorel Pîrvan at the stage of criminal investigation, there is a large number of criminal cases started on abuse, negligence and excess power of the representatives of local public administrations, but only a small part of them they come to be examined in the courts. Between 2015 and 2018, 192 such criminal cases were filed, representing 55% of all the cases examined by the NCA in 2015-2018 with respect to the LPA representatives. Out of these 192 criminal cases, about 9% were and are being examined in the courts, and most of the criminal cases have been suspended or terminated or refused to initiate the criminal prosecution.

In conclusion, Viorel Pîrvan said that in the completed contravention files, 94% of the solutions constituted the cessation of the contravention process, most often the courts have terminated the contravention procedure on the grounds that the limitation period of the contravention (62%) expired. Note that most of the cases of minor offenses have been completed (in substance and appeal) within 8 months (4), and 50% of the cases were examined from 1 to 5 months.

The show is made by IDIS "Viitorul" in partnership with Radio Free Europe.

For further details, please contact the press officer, Victor URSU, at the following address: or at 069017396.

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