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The tip of the one-stop desk hinders business

2017.10.09 Economie Victor Ursu Print version

Although the Republic of Moldova has the one-stop-shop law to facilitate entrepreneurial activity, it still operates with screeching, and the business complains about bureaucracy, the delay in the issuance of documents. This is the opinion expressed by IDIS Viitorul expert Viorel Pârvan during the program ”15 minutes of economic realism”.

According to Pîrvan, the one-stop-shop exists only at the level of legislation, as businessmen face the same problems of corruption, waste of time and money for obtaining permissive documents. "The main reasons that hamper the work of the counter are the lack of a common conceptual understanding of the" One Stop Counter "principle, the insufficient interconnection between institutions, the lack of electronic exchange of information between authorities, the poor cooperation of public authorities / institutions in the delivery of public services, civil servants and political involvement ".

The one-stop shop law should have a positive effect on the business climate in the Republic of Moldova and on every economic agent that needs to obtain authorization, but in reality, we do not see an inflow of investment and business. The biggest problem is corruption. "The one-stop shop should minimize corruption by excluding direct contact with the civil servant. However, the economic agent's mention, the more and more often the private sector directly interacts with civil servants, the more possible the occurrence of corruption situations, "Pîrvan explained.

In conclusion, Viorel Pîrvan said that in order to streamline the activity of the one-stop-shop it is necessary to digitize the process of submitting requests for public services, to elaborate the regulatory framework for public services at the level of the primary norms to define clearly the "public services" and the diversity of services public, other concepts of international positive practices, such as front-office and back-office, and the full use by public authorities of the existing eGovernment infrastructure (government electronic platforms and services already available) to reduce the burden (burden) administrative services both for the providers and for the applicants / beneficiaries of the public services.

The show is made by IDIS Viitorul in partnership with Radio Free Europe.

For more details, contact the Public Relations Coordinator IDIS Viitorul, Victor URSU at or call 069017396.

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