The government, focused on central government reform, and the local government drifting

Although the reform strategy provides for a range of actions regarding local public administration, these remain unrealized. The government focused on reforming the central public administration, and the local government remained second. The action plan also provides for territorial administrative reform - a sensitive issue that has remained blocked. This is the opinion expressed by IDIS Viitorul expert, Viorel Pîrvan, during the show "15 minutes of economic realism".

The successful implementation of the public administration reform at both central and local level depends on and is related to other reforms to be implemented in the Republic of Moldova, such as the Reform of Public Services Modernization or the National Decentralization Strategy. At the same time, the reform of the public administration is also foreseen in the Association Agenda of the Republic of Moldova with the European Union and is fundamental for the process of integration in the European Union.

According to Pîrvan, an inappropriate action pedaling the central public administration is the training of local public administration specialists on the management of public patrimony at the local level. Such training can be done after the patrimonial decentralization, the clear delimitation of the properties of the territorial administrations, the private one from the public ones and the registration of all the goods at the local level. And all the process of reforming the public administration needs to be transparent and participatory, in which all actions and initiatives are to be publicly consulted, and the decisions made to the citizens.

"Reducing the number of ministries and civil servants has captured public opinion, and the other measures outlined in the Strategy have remained in a shadow. The visible effects of the reform will be felt when all its components are implemented, with public administration accountable, efficient public money management, transparency of public procurement, ensuring citizen participation in public policy making, modernization and delivery of quality public services to citizens, ensuring the employment and promotion of civil servants on the basis of meritocracy, adequate remuneration and motivation of civil servants on the basis of performance, ensuring decentralization and autonomy at local level", Pîrvan said.

In conclusion, the IDIS Viitorul expert said that the objectives of the reform remain the development and consolidation of an attractive, modern and performing public administration. One of the priorities in this field is to develop and implement a transparent, fair and performance-oriented pay system to motivate civil servants.

The show is made by IDIS "Viitorul" in partnership with Radio Free Europe.

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