The RM needs to fix and cemented the direction for its Transnistrian territorial reintegration policy, in line with national interests and the favorable context. Civil society proposes a radical change of paradigm on these policies: from small steps, hesitant to the policy of asserting alternatives to a toxic status quo for the population in the region. A new vision is crucial for the Moldovan authorities to grasp the strategic advantage that it holds at this moment through the existence of a strategic partnership with both its neighbors, Ukraine and Romania, a membership of the European Union and access to The most important global market, the European Union market. The core of a new vision for the re-integration of the eastern region of the Republic of Moldova is the need for a single area, circumscribed to the Moldovan Constitution, the integration of Transnistrian business, the creation of access corridors and free movement for groups favoring the reintegration goal, while tightening sanctions for the Conflict, illegal and aggressive propaganda against the Republic of Moldova. Change can occur when there are "window of opportunity", that is, now, and that requires political will and programmatic consistency, not cheap populism. These were the central messages of the Conference of the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS), yesterday, June 6, "Regulation through Europeanization. Quo Vademus in the Reintegration Process of Transnistria? "

At the Conference, it was not only the obligations of the central government of the Republic of Moldova on this opportunity, but also about the existent risks, from which they spring from corruption, from understandings made under the mass of influential groups, and from the role of the Russian troops and military intelligence, Located on the left bank of the Dniester River, a continuum of instability that poisons the atmosphere of the reintegration process. The conference was structured in two panels, Mechanisms and Levers for Transforming the Transnistrian conflict and Conditionality in support of sustainable regulation. The Role of Strategic Partnerships.

The Director of IDIS Viitorul, Igor Munteanu, said that "As long as the Transnistrian conflict will power, as long as insecurity, military danger, and subversion, it will cover the fragile institutions of the rule of law on the right bank of Nistru." The region is linked by thousands of wires and connections to the economy, the state and the functioning of the rules in the Republic of Moldova, so that the policy of preserving the so-called "status quo" is neither right nor sustainable nor useful to the national interest. " A real window of opportunities for Moldova is related to the new regional context, the Russian-Ukrainian military confrontation has halved Russia's access to the region, and the agreements signed with the EU opened, for the first time after 26 years of artificial separation of the left bank, Some very powerful instruments, trade, the free movement of Moldovan citizens, and other vehicles, which could help transform this conflict into a territorial policy issue, not a military crisis. However, RM needs to learn how to use these strategic resources, be principled and pragmatic, and also adopt a strengthened and well-coordinated national policy that is credible and tailored to its national interest. "

"Soon we will present a vision, regulating the Dniester conflict, to all participants in the 5 + 2 format: Ukraine, Russian Federation, EU, USA, OSCE and, last but not least, Tiraspol. As a result, negotiations for the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict will be based on this vision developed by Chisinau, "Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration, Gheorghe Balan said.

According to him, the country's re-integration vision has key principles. It is about offering the Transnistrian region a special status within the limits of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, with respect for integrity and sovereignty. However, the main purpose of the Transnistrian settlement is an integrated state to operate in the interest of both banks of the Nistru River and to preserve the European vector of Moldova's development. An important detail is the creation of the reintegration fund, and the development partners already agree to contribute to this fund.

Mihai Godea, the security adviser to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, said that there are now a number of opportunities for the country's reintegration policy. It is a change of the context in the region, the full understanding of the aspirations and understandings of the Republic of Moldova that we have in the person of the Ukrainian partners. The set of actions that are being implemented at this moment is in full compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova.

"On the negotiating table can not be put a document that questions the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Moldova. In the conditions in which a war is going on in Ukraine, we must be very careful what we negotiate and with whom we negotiate the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict. This provides for the granting of a special status in the form of autonomy granted to the region, which preserves the elements of statehood, "Eugen Carpov, Deputy, explained.

The Promo-Lex Director, Ion Manole, referred to the systematic practice of human rights violations in the secessionist region and the impunity of the Tiraspol authorities. Although many strategies have been written, Manole said, their lack of impact is explained by the lack of a vision of the RM, and especially of a strategic plan for the defense of human rights and freedoms. We note that after the Ilascu case, more and more cases are pending at the ECHR on human rights violations. This indicates the increase in citizens' confidence in defending their rights. Only Promo-Lex has 60 dossiers sent to the ECHR.

Referring to the integration of the Financial Systems on both banks of the Dniester, the expert Veaceslav Ionita said that the unification of the tax system, customs and local taxes, the application of VAT on the left bank of the Dniester, the consolidation of the local financial, patrimonial autonomy And administrative, integration and single policy of public property management and the single management of public debt.

The conference hosted the participation of distinguished policy makers and independent experts, think tankers and university professors, diplomats and opinion makers.

The event was organized with the support of the Black Sea Trust Fund.

For more details contact the Public Relations Coordinator IDIS Viitorul, Victor URSU at ursu.victoor@gmail.com or call 069017396.