An effective monitoring of procurement requires, first of all, a good understanding of how the public procurement system works

The way the national procurement system works, the legal and institutional framework, the role and attributions of the Public Procurement Agency, the stages of the procurement process were among the topics discussed in the training for civil society representatives within the project "Innovative Improvements in the public procurement system of the Republic of Moldova through inclusion, creativity and compliance practices ", implemented by IDIS" Viitorul ", with the financial support of the European Union.

"When planning public procurement procedures, the contracting authority is not entitled to divide the procurement by awarding separate public procurement contracts for the purpose of applying a procurement procedure other than the procedure which would have been used under the Public Procurement Act if the acquisition would not have been split. If the public procurement contract is terminated, a new procurement procedure is carried out based on the balance of the initial contract and the assignment of this procedure according to the thresholds stipulated by the law for the application of the public procurement procedures ", explained Aurelia Botica, head of the control department at Public Procurement Agency.

According to Diana Enachi, coordinator of the project, effective monitoring of public procurement requires first and foremost a good knowledge of the public procurement mechanism, the legal and institutional framework and the entire procurement process. These elements, together with the application of monitoring tools, ensure the success of a monitoring activity that identifies irregularities and frauds and identifies responsible institutions.

Several representatives of civil society from different regions of the country will benefit from a complex Training Program in the field of public procurement monitoring between September 26 and November 16. The purpose of this program is to strengthen the capacities of civil society in the Republic of Moldova to understand the functioning of the public procurement system, the institutional and legal framework governing the sector, and the process of procurement by a public entity. Or, in the absence of this knowledge, monitoring of public procurement has a superficial and fragmented character. Participants will be trained in collecting and analyzing procurement data, applying innovative tools to identify irregularities and illegalities, and actions to empower public authorities to carry out transparent and effective procurement. Representatives of institutions with regulatory, regulatory and legal functions will be invited to sessions to discuss practical aspects of the procurement process with participants.

The event was organized in the framework of the project "Innovative Improvements in the Public Procurement System of the Republic of Moldova through Inclusion, Creativity and Practices for Compliance with Legislation" funded by the European Union, which was launched on 18 May 2017.

For further details, please contact the press officer, Victor URSU, at the following address: or at 069017396.