IDIS Viitorul organized four public procurement trainings during July, attended by about 100 contracting authorities from all regions of the country and businesses, who were familiar with public procurement provisions and expressed their views on the issues they face in public procurement procedures. The workshops took place within the project "Cutting edge improvements in the public procurement system in Moldova through inclusiveness, creativity and low-abiding practices” funded by the European Union and co-financed by UK aid from the UK Government.
The emergence of unforeseen/additional works during the implementation of the contractor contract are among the main mistakes in the development of tenders and the development of contracts by contracting authorities and economic operators.
Vadim Turcan, Public Procurement Specialist, said that in order to solve the problem of unforeseen work, we cannot get the application of the negotiation procedure without prior publication of a contract notice due to unpredictable events. And in the case of trademarks, it is necessary to include references to norms and standards (EN / ISO) in the product specifications or to add the phrase "or equivalent" in the description of the position. Vadim Turcan also spoke about the mistakes in submitting complaints to ANSC by the agencies. "It's about incomplete complaints and over-submission."
The workshop also included the issue of choosing the award criterion. Lowest price vs. the most economically advantageous tender. "The solution would be to establish the valuation factors characteristic of each type of public procurement of works".
When making the bids, Ecaterina Meaun, an expert in public procurement, said that it is necessary to thoroughly study the tender documentation, purchase data sheet, specifications and any other document that is an integral part of the set of documents attached to the documentation The tenderers are recommended to be present at the opening of the bids, the request for the minutes of opening the bids and the indication of the opinion separately in the minutes until it is signed.
Rotaru Olga from achiziţ talked about the public procurement reform and the implementation of the electronic platform MTender. "Acquisitions are published online. Companies can place their bids without leaving the office and can participate in real time online at auction. Up until now, the amount of auctions made through MTender is 11.7 million lei."
"We are learning on the go. It is certain that procurement procedures must be correct in order to provide citizens with good quality goods and services," explained Belnis SRL manager, Pancenco Gheorghe.
The participants in the discussion also referred to the new legislative provisions on public procurement, the correlation between the tender-offer-contract documentation, the particularities of the tenders for the public procurement of works and the appeal system, aimed at formulating the complaints.
For further details, please contact the press officer, Victor URSU, at the following address: or 069017396.
Most of the Moldovan youth choose to leave the country. This is also confirmed by the statistical data showing that the generation of young people is steadily decreasing. These are young people aged 15-19, the share of which in the total number of young people decreased in five years, from 31.8% in 2009 to 26.0% in 2014. The official data referred to in 15 minutes of economic realism ", the journalist, Vlad Bercu.
At least 30-40 thousand young people go to study abroad, many of whom are no longer home, according to unofficial estimates based on scholarships offered by host countries, teaches abroad 135.5 thousand young people going abroad to work. On January 1, 2017, the share of the population under the working age was 17.0 percent, according to the NBS.
Young people who choose to leave the Republic of Moldova are looking for a better-paid job or going to study, while others are sick of the way the state institutions work. If they do not go well after they leave, many do not return home, but move to a richer country, according to analysts of sociologists. A sociological study by Magenta Consulting shows that when they make the decision to engage, young people in most cases expect a salary of 5,000 lei, although they are aware that the employer's offer will be no more than 4,000 of lei. The same study finds that faculty graduates would not accept salaries of less than 5,000 lei, in reality, the wages offered are much lower for young people.
"Only one in five young people found a job right after finishing their studies, more than a quarter dropped their first job in the first year of employment because of low wages, and 17.7% of young people left to work abroad. For comparison, young Europeans face a number of challenges: such as unemployment, limited access to education or training, poverty, low participation and representation of young people in the democratic process, and various health problems, "Vlad explained. Bercu.
Unemployment is the main cause that drives young people out of the country. Thus, four out of ten unemployed are young, so the analysis of the youth share among all unemployed confirms their vulnerability to employment. The data also show that in terms of coverage with doctors, the Republic of Moldova has reached the most critical level in the last 20 years - 29.0 per 10,000 population and the ratio has not been so small since 1997. In the European states, coverage is at least 33.0 per 10,000 people.
Why should the departure of young people, especially in studies, be disturbed? Because many of them do not come back to the country. And this while, for example, we have 2000 vacancies for doctors. There is also an Association of Moldovan doctors from Portugal. Hundreds of doctors from the Republic of Moldova work in Romania. A devastating situation in terms of staffing with staff is in education.
According to the National Youth Development Strategy 2020, among the most pressing issues directly targeting young people are low participation and youth indifference; poor economic situation; limited access to education and training, and political instability. And if young people leave, it means that these issues remain unresolved. Many of those who do think that Moldova has no future.
In conclusion, journalist Vlad Bercu said that the demographic situation in the Republic of Moldova is catastrophic. Children are born less and by the year 2050 one third of the population of Moldova will be elders. In the next period, the demographic decline will be hard to stop.
The show is made by IDIS "Viitorul" in partnership with Radio Free Europe.
For further details, please contact the press officer, Victor URSU, at the following address: or 069017396.
The issue of climate change is extremely important in light of the major influences that these phenomena generate, and the Republic of Moldova is no exception. According to the latest forecasts, the higher than average temperature and the lack of rainfall in May will reduce the 2018 crop by more than 10%. The journalist Victor Ursu explained in the show "15 minutes of economic realism".
At present, Moldovan agriculture faces serious problems related to the climate changes taking place in order to extend the aridization of large agricultural areas. Thus, the above-average temperatures in the current period and the lack of precipitation will influence the harvest. The Hydrometeorological Service claims that farmers will harvest on average up to 3.1 tons of wheat per hectare compared to 3.1 tons of the previous year's harvest.
"In years of good weather, we have good productions, in the years when we do not have good weather, the productions are down. We come to the same conclusion, if the irrigation system is not restored, we will have this problem cyclically once every few years, "said Victor Ursu.
As a result of the reduction in agricultural production forecast for the current year, we could see a rise in prices. And with smaller crops, farmers are worried they will not be able to recover their investments. At the same time, a lower agricultural output can also affect labor, which accounts for a third of the total occupied population.
At the same time, the limited share of investments in agriculture imposes additional pressure on the long-term competitiveness of the sector. Although the share of agricultural investment in total investment has increased in recent years, this capital increase is not enough to stop the heavy depreciation of agricultural assets. The key measure of investment, which represents the import of agricultural machinery and equipment, has only emerged in recent years, driven by excess revenues generated by rising agricultural product prices and realigning government programs to investment subsidies.
In conclusion, Victor Ursu said that Moldova is currently re-profiling on high-value exports. For agriculture to grow, it is necessary to support the macro-policy environment and the rural investment climate, the consistency of agrarian policies to support the development of private markets, the ownership of market development.
The show is made by IDIS "Viitorul" in partnership with Radio Free Europe.
The Republic of Moldova is an eternal country in transition with a fragile economy, which has registered ups and downs. In rural areas there were business opportunities, which would have favored even bigger jumps, but these are not perceived by the population of the Republic of Moldova. One solution is to create local action groups, which through joint efforts of several localities create opportunities for development. This is the opinion expressed by Viorel Chivriga, Director of Programs at IDIS Viitorul, within the program "15 minutes of economic realism".
There is progress in rural areas, but not in the way they contribute to the welfare of citizens. Business climate lame, and business prefers Chisinau and developed urban areas. But the EU offers the Republic of Moldova its experience of creating local action groups that contribute to the development of communities by attracting finance and foreign business. "Local Initiative Groups" (GAL 10-100 thousand people) is a successful model implemented by the EU countries, "said Viorel Chivriga.
IDIS The Future in a program together with Estonian and local partners and with the support of the Estonian Foreign Ministry has created two LAGs, one in Ungheni and one in Stefan-Voda.
"Both Local Action Groups represent vast territories located in particularly picturesque areas, crossed by important national roads, close to known international customs but facing acute problems related to under-financing of old infrastructure and obsolete agricultural production technologies, socio-economic indicators in degradation, numerous inequalities that stimulate fast depopulation of localities, limited access to services, restricted education, insufficient investment in education, competitiveness, "the program director said.
The two LAGs aim to promote the objective of attracting public and private resources, experience, expertise, technologies in reanimating the local economy, modernizing the infrastructure, developing a broader range of quality public services, promoting local exports, capitalizing on the potential and characteristics of the areas in the service of communities and sustainable development (rural, recreational, religious, nostalgic, sports, promoting brands and local brands, local crafts and customs, promoting regions at national and international level).
"The experience of setting up the Cula Sub-Region clearly speaks about the need for new spatial policy instruments to revitalize disadvantaged areas in economic and social terms - part of the National Regional Development Strategy. "Cula" and "Lunca Nistrului" sub-regions have an excellent potential for producing and marketing traditional organic and organic agri-food products, being positioned close to proximity markets, highways and railways essential for the national economy. "
In conclusion, Viorel Chivriga mentioned that the establishment of the LAG aims to co-operate with rural communities and connect them to national and international networks, and this will generate the transfer of experience and know-how.
For more details contact IDIS "Viitorul" Public Relations Coordinator, Victor URSU at or call 06017396.
Since 2013, the principles and procedures for organizing and conducting state control over companies have been unified in a single piece of legislation binding on all public authorities/institutions. But businesspeople note multiple problems and abuses in the process of conducting state controls on entrepreneurial activity. This is the opinion expressed by IDIS Viitorul expert Viorel Pârvan during the 15 minutes of economic realism show.
Companies in the Republic of Moldova perceive controls for the purpose of sanctioning, and through the frequency and manner of deployment, checks create barriers to business. 45.4% of economic agents are of the opinion that the inspections of state institutions generate corruption. The number of business executives who have undergone checks in the last 3 years is very high - almost 80% of those interviewed by IDIS "Viitorul". About 1/3 of these controlled companies said they had over 10 checks over the last 3 years.
"The figures are alarming as the moratorium on planned or unexpected state controls was instituted between April 1 - September 30, 2016. Only some checks, such as those in exceptional situations, those in the field of public health surveillance, the field of anti-fire rule compliance, were admitted, "Viorel Pârvan said.
The vast majority of controls were unannounced controls. Some companies had more than five unannounced controls over the past three years.
These types of start-ups are considered as "business-related" risks because they are initiated as a result of a petition (may even be business competitors or other non-bona five individuals), are often not well-grounded and do not require notification in advance of the economic agent.
Only 15% of the companies said they had challenged the control report. Most business people say it makes no sense to question the act issued by the body that carried out the control. If the act of verification and the findings are unfounded, the economic agent prefers not to fight in lawful ways and to prove the act unlawful. He considers it opportune and less costly (money, time, personal, moral) to resort to unofficial means of "solving" the case.
To solve the problem, Viorel Pârvan recommends 1. to strengthen the consultative and preventive character of the control, by elaborating a law according to which the first inspection visit by the public authorities is an informative one. 2. the unannounced inspections carried out by the State Labor Inspectorate and the National Agency for Food Safety must be carefully supervised by the State Chancellery and in case of detection of the alleged abuses, illegalities or violations, the competent bodies must be notified. 3. II. The control carried out by the State Tax Service must be subject to the fundamental principles, rules, and general requirements.
The show is made by IDIS "Viitorul" in partnership with Radio Free Europe.
For further details, please contact the press officer, Victor URSU, at the following address: or 069017396.
If we analyze the evolution of the forex market in the last 15 years, we observe an almost perfect synchronization of the market with electric cycles. Namely, before the 2-3 years elections there is accumulation of foreign exchange surpluses on the market, which leads to the appreciation of the currency, then in the electoral year, 2009, 2010,2014 there is a sudden shortage of currency conditioned by the massive withdrawal of the currency, then Again the accumulation cycle begins, and so over the last 15 years. This is the opinion expressed by the economist IDIS Viitorul, Veaceslav Ionita in the show "15 minutes of economic realism".
It is currently shaping the same trend when foreign exchange reserves accumulate for 2-3 years until the election, and in the election year, they are reduced by about $ 700 million each time. Two years before the election, we watched the accumulation process, and now we have all the prerequisites to say that we will see discounts, but they will be smaller. A clearer picture will be outlined in September.
In 2009 before the elections due to the pressure to maintain the exchange rate, the NBM intervened on the market with about 700 million USD. Then, by 2013, there are accumulations of currency, and in 2014 losses of 700 million USD (robbery in the banking system). In 2016 and 2017, we again have currency growth, and 2018 the electoral year.
"In this sale of foreign currency from the citizens will be 2.1 billion USD. At the same time, there is a faster growth of the demand for foreign currency against the background of the increase in imports by 23%, compared to the increase in exports by only 17%. And by the end of the year, we will see a higher demand for currency than the offer, but it will not affect the exchange rate. At the same time, the currency market in the Republic of Moldova is synchronized with elections. Even if the need for currency increases, the exchange rate will be a stable one, "Ionita explained.
People receive money from abroad more than salaries in Moldova. In the current year, Moldovans will receive about $ 2.1 billion from abroad. And the exchange rate influences Moldovans' income from remittances. Also, the exchange rate influences the inflation rate, which in May constituted 2.8% in annual value, and the main factor is the appreciation of the national currency. Because of the fact that the Moldovan leu appreciated by 20% against the US dollar, imported goods should have fallen more. Another factor influencing the foreign exchange market is exports. "In two years, we have seen strong growth in deliveries of goods and products abroad, and the appreciation of the national currency has severely hit exporters. However, part of the losses is amortized by the fact that a significant share of the goods is exported to the EU. Last year, if we took into account the exchange rate against the US dollars of exporters, the losses amounted to four billion lei, and in 2018 the amount will exceed that of last year, "Ionita said.
The Moldovan Leu has appreciated by 20% against the US dollar in the last two years, but against the euro by only 6.5%. This is explained by the fact that the Moldovan Leu was closer to the euro because Moldova's economy is connected to the EU, about 65% of exports are directed to the European community. The Republic of Moldova has the economy connected to the euro and the remittances in the same way but the exchange rate remains connected to the dollar. Maybe it is the case that the NBM revises the reference rate and report it to the euro then it would not be so fluctuating.
The fundamental factor that led to the appreciation of the leu is the foreign currency inflows in the country after 2013 (exports and net sales of foreign currency to citizens). In 2013 the net foreign currency inflows of the citizens cumulated with the proceeds from exports amounted to 5.4 billion lei. In 2015, after bank fraud, sales amounted to 3.5 billion lei with 2 billion dollars less. And this has happened against the backdrop of the reduction in exports to Russia and the reduction in citizens' remittances from $ 2.93 billion to $ 1.56 billion.
In 2018, the exporter's currency will be $ 2.9 billion, and the volume sold by citizens will be $ 2.1 billion. Cumulatively in 2017 and 2018 citizens sold about $ 700 million more than demand from the economy. But the surplus of currency has created pressure on the currency market and appreciated the national currency. The NBM had to intervene to buy the surplus. The appreciation of the leu led to a loss of RON 4 billion in the NBM's foreign exchange reserves. A loss is one of accounting, with no real effects. In other words, at the USD 20 dollar exchange rate, the central bank at every billion dollars in lei had reserves of 20 billion lei, and now at 16.5, the equivalent is 16.5 billion lei. In fact, every billion of the foreign exchange reserves so remained one billion.
In conclusion, Ioniţă said that the 700 million USD of the population is found in deposits and in the money mass sterilized by NBM. The interest paid by NBM is one billion lei, annually, so that this money will not disturb the economy. The economy of the country is so weak that it can assimilate neither the leg nor the foreign currency.
For the coming months, we anticipate a faster growth of the demand for foreign currency against the offer, which will fall from the appreciation of the leu, and in the autumn it is possible for NBM to intervene in the foreign exchange market as a currency sale to cover demand for increasing currency. But all these moves will not be strong enough to cause a sudden change in the exchange rate.
We will witness a stable exchange rate with a possible slight depreciation of the leu.
The show is made by IDIS "Viitorul" in partnership with Radio Free Europe.
For further details, please contact the press officer, Victor URSU, at the following address: or 069017396.
The Association Agreement signed with the European Union offers only benefits to the Republic of Moldova, and in 2018 we can already account for it. Four years after signing, visible results are in international trade. It is the increase in exports to the EU. The Russian Federation, which a decade ago was in the first position, is now overtaken by Romania, Italy, and Germany, which are in the top of the countries where the Republic of Moldova delivers its goods and products. These three European countries account for 45.64% of Moldova's total exports, with CIS states - 16.76%, including Russia - 8.87%. These totals confirm some economic laws whereby barriers to international trade change trajectories, and often contribute to a radical change in international trade but also in sectors of national economies. Examples are agriculture, industry, and transport, as stated in the program "15 minutes of economic realism", program director at IDIS Viitorul, Viorel Chivriga
The Free Trade Agreement is an engine that operates at maximum speeds for the EU's rapprochement with the EU through the modernization and modernization of the real economy, as well as increasing the performance and quality of the various fields.
"The number of mature companies has grown and they have found a niche on the EU market. The quotas granted by the European Community, which previously could not be reached, are now fully valorized by Moldovan companies. Since 2014, Moldova has gone through several stages of transformation of state institutions. An enormous transfer of expertise, expertise and EU funding has taken place. There are people who understand perfectly what stability, predictability and game rules cannot be changed overnight," Chivriga explained.
In the investment chapter, the DCFTA changed the image of the Republic of Moldova for the better. Thus, companies with known names arrive not only in Chisinau and Balti, they are already in Ungheni, Orhei, Straseni, and Gagauzia, and in the next years we will witness an even greater growth of the Moldovan investment companies.
Chivriga claims that DCFTA is also seen as a growth engine for the Nistru region where Romania has reached 16% of the region's exports to the Russian Federation, accounting for only 10%.
In conclusion, the program director said that although the business is moving the Republic of Moldova closer to the EU, harmonization of legislation is a problem, because from a good product they managed to become a less good product. There are less positive changes on the statistical side, showing some data, and other state information provided by the state institutions. There are also big issues involving all the interesting parties, that this agreement will generate greater results and performance.
The show is made by IDIS "Viitorul" in partnership with Radio Free Europe.
For further details, please contact the press officer Ana Ghilan at the following address: or 061036743.
In 2018, the Russian Federation reached the fourth place in the top of the countries after the destination of exports from the Republic of Moldova, after Romania, Italy, and Germany. This reveals an optical change of the Moldovan companies and already in the first months of 2018 over 25% of the total exports are directed to Romania. At the same time, deliveries of goods and products in the neighboring country outstrip those in all CIS countries, which account for only 16% of total exports. Local experts also show changes in geographical direction. As an example, in 2017, the exports made by the entrepreneurs from the left bank of the Dniester region excelled to Romania (16.2% of total local exports in the region) and Ukraine (18.3%), which surpassed Russia (10.5% ). This is the opinion expressed by Viorel Chivriga, Director of Programs at IDIS Viitorul, within the program "15 minutes of economic realism".
The trade relations of the Republic of Moldova are important. But after four years since the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU, there has been a complete change of geographic directions on exports and imports and the exchange of positions among the top trading partners. At the same time, on the import side, the share of the European states is the top one and accounts for more than half of the total goods and products inputs in the Republic of Moldova.
Viorel Chivriga said that the change in the trade of the Republic of Moldova means the choice of safe markets, stable playing rules, experience, and technologies. "There has been a considerable leap in taking over EU standards. While there is a problem with the harmonization of legislation. Although some institutions report good activity reports are arrears, and the quality of some acts leaves it to be desired. There are also backlogs in reporting, which shows the lack of control of government institutions. "
The program director said that progress has been made in the field of industry, and on the transport side there is an increase in freight and passenger traffic. In agriculture, there are noticed changes regarding the rural entrepreneurship, as well as the policies of the state. Several European programs are in progress, the effect of which is seen in business preparation and rural development.
In conclusion, Viorel Chivriga mentioned that several Moldovan institutions and companies have benefited from the takeover of good practice and EU experience after the implementation of the Association Agreement. At present, investments in free economic zones, industrial parks, business incubators and those focused on the training of Moldovan officials and entrepreneurs are increasing.
The show is made by IDIS "Viitorul" in partnership with Radio Free Europe.
For further details, please contact the press officer, Victor URSU, at the following address: or 069017396.
Invalidation of Chisinau mayor elections has disturbed the Moldovan society. The decision has political, economic and administrative consequences for both Chisinau and the entire Republic of Moldova. This is the opinion expressed by the political analyst at IDIS "Viitorul" Ion Tăbârţă during the 15 minutes of economic realism show.
"Even if this was a violation, the decision had to be one, but not the whole electoral process. Invalidation of election results has generated two major protests in Chisinau. Especially in the history of the Republic of Moldova, there are no precedents of invalidating the popular vote. The government is trying to disclose the invalidation of the elections as a decision of the courts with the argument that justice is independent but unsuccessful. For the time being, we do not know what the internal political consequences will be, "Tăbârţă said.
Referring to their external consequences, the political analyst says the tough reactions of European and US partners are being observed. In fact, the Republic of Moldova already had a poor political relationship with the Western partners. In 2017, again, the government's actions have worsened relations as a result of Parliament's approval of the mixed voting system, contrary to the recommendations of the Venice Commission. This has generated political conditionality on the part of the EU to provide financial support.
"Recently, after the invalidation of the elections in the capital, the EU's reaction was to adopt a critical resolution on the Republic of Moldova. The EU recognizes certain economic merits, but it clearly states that political conditionality has not been met. There has been no such crisis throughout the history of the Republic of Moldova with Brussels. The government claims that the resolution adopted by the EU was taken under the influence of the opposition parties. However, the government should consider that the decision was taken in particular as a result of the political decisions of the Chisinau authorities, "Tăbârţă said.
The EU's decision to suspend funding will have an economic impact on the Republic of Moldova, although the government ensures that the budget will not suffer. We need to understand that the EU's financial assistance was intended to finance projects that will stagnate for an indefinite period. Even if the government is going to deal with the EU's decision, the country's economic situation is on a "knife-edge". This is due to the fact that the Republic of Moldova after 2009 enjoyed massive support from the development partners and survived due to the financial injections from the outside.
Another aspect is administrative. It is known that the former mayor, Dorin Chirtoaca, left a "heavy legacy" "on the capital's shoulders". There are many problems, gray schemes that hit in the city's development. Moreover, no one expected miracles from Mayor Andre Năstase, given that he had a short period (1 year) and did not have a team in the Chisinau Municipal Council. But from him, he expected to bring to light all the gray schemes in the town hall connected to the economic interests.
In conclusion, Ion Tăbârţă said that the invalidation of the Chisinau elections was a "litmus paper" of the political life in Chisinau and amplified the poor relationship with the development partners.
The show is made by IDIS "Viitorul" in partnership with Radio Free Europe.
For further details, please contact the press officer, Victor URSU, at the following address: or 069017396.
The main changes to the public procurement law were discussed on July 3, 2018, at IDIS Viitorul, by the representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the Public Procurement Agency, the National Anti-Corruption Center, the EBRD, the contracting authorities and the companies involved in the public procurement process. The discussions, with about 60 participants, took place within the project "Cutting edge improvements in the public procurement system in Moldova through inclusiveness, creativity and low-abiding practices” funded by the European Union and co-financed by UK aid from the UK Government of Great Britain.
Among the amendments and completions to the Law no. 131 from July 3, 2015, on public procurement, we can mention:
1. New assigning criteria to be introduced, amounting 4: the lowest price, the lowest cost, the best ratio quality - price, the best value for money
2. The possibility to increase the value of the procurement contract up to 15%
3. The switch to electronic communication between the contracting authority and the economic operators
4. The European Single Procurement Document, which is provided in electronic format, consists of a declaration on the sole responsibility of the economic operator regarding the fulfillment of the qualification and selection criteria.
5. The regulation of procurement contracts assignment procedures in the utility sector, to be applied by entities carrying out relevant activities in the fields of energy, water, transport, and post.
6. The right of the authorities to resort to procurement contracts assignment by lot in order to support the small business.
7. The right of the contracting authority, before initiating the assignment procedure, to conduct market consultations by communicating with independent experts, public authorities or economic operators
8. Sustainable procurement concept development
9. Establishing new types of procurement procedures: procurement for social services and other specific services, a partnership for innovation, the electronic catalog, as a special assignment method.
"The legislative amendments to the public procurement law aim to increase the level of participation of the business environment in public procurement procedures, especially SMEs, strengthening the contracting authorities' capacities in public procurement and outsourcing public procurement services," explained Ms. Viorica Pricop State Secretary at the Ministry of Finance.
Mr. Iuri Cicibaba, Head of Cabinet, Ministry of Finance talked about MTender - a tool for public procurement that "will allow us to save financial and human resources, increase transparency, speed, and procurement competition." Also, Mr. Cicibaba mentioned that the benefits for the participants in the procedure could include the following: they can view and analyze their purchase plans, view current procurement procedures and documentation - free of charge, all economic operators are placed on equal terms, can submit an online offer wherever they are, they can see the price of other bidders during the electronic auction, the winner selection process is transparent and public, they can call on consultancy platforms, obtain and analyze historical purchasing information”.
Representatives of the contracting authorities complained about the lack of public procurement specialists due to low wages in local public administrations, but also on the fact that big companies participate in auctions organized at local level, and smaller ones at the local level cannot participate, as they are not able to compete and deliver large quantities of the requested products.
Mr. Grigore Policinschi, the chairman of Dubasari district, says: "Certification of specialists in the territory is a problem. If there is a competent structure that can assume the responsibility to check and prepare those technical conditions, tender book, then they should do so, because the mayors over the country have to come and provide explanations to the NAC about the public procurement contracts".
An important aspect not covered by the proposed amendments is the transparency of procurement at all stages of the procurement cycle, which limits access to information and monitoring by civil society. A recommendation in this respect is to expressly introduce the provisions on the transparency of the notices of intention, participation and assignment, the procurement dossier, the procurement contract. Moreover, in addition to publishing in the Procurement Bulletin, it is also necessary to publish the information on the contracting authority's website.
In conclusion, the participants at the event said that it is necessary to train specialists in public procurement in specific domains (e.g. construction, public catering, etc.). However, representatives of the Ministry of Finance said that they are currently working on this and hoping that the issue will be resolved as soon as possible.
For further details, please contact the press officer, Victor URSU, at the following address: or 069017396